Saturday, June 11, 2011

Why this Blog?

In my life I don't typically have time to sit on the computer and type. I don't do facebook, and pride myself on being a family oriented, hard working house keeper-upper, who doesn't waste time or dilly-dally on the internet.
I do however, love to write, and needed to find something relaxing to do to make me sit still for a little while a day. You know, in between the dryer bossing me around, or the child or the husband needing assistance in one way or another.
So, I decided to make a blog, to share with family and friends, and hopefully even strangers, how "easy" it is to live off your land. All you need is some empty space that gets glorious sunshine enough during the day to make your future food thrive and grow.
The food we have planted is for our climate in the Central Valley of California, but I know wherever you live, there is a way to get outside and grow something!
I also want to be able to post recipes we try and love, using our seasonal fresh produce, and meats we love to cook up and eat. I am in no way a professional chef, I am spoiled to have a husband of many talents and cooking just so happens to be one of his strong points. Not that I'm a complete disaster in the kitchen but why mess up a good thing, right? I do know how to read a recipe, to grow a green bean, and to raise a healthy vegetable loving child, there are less qualified people telling us what to do and how to do it, so why not me try to give some healthy fun pointers?

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