Saturday, June 11, 2011

Pico de Gallo Salsa!

Tomatoes, Onions, Cilantro and Jalapenos!
In an attempt to create salsa with my garden produce it normally had turned into a frothy, mushy, either too spicy or a tomatoey mess! So when my best friend bought "The Pioneer Woman Cooks" cookbook for me for my birthday and I saw her Pico De Gallo salsa it was instant love! Pioneer Woman opened my eyes to how simple making fresh salsa really is.
She points out it's all about having equal amounts of those four ingredients. Read her recipe and instructions here.

Basically, I cut up four to five Roma tomatoes, a couple onions, a handful of cilantro, and two jalapenos. Chop it consistently so they are all the same size pieces. Well except the jalapenos, those I try to chop into super tiny pieces so I don't light my husband on fire. Then stir it all together, and with no or low salt tortilla chips you've got a pretty refreshing and not too unhealthy snack.

And the absolute best part about Pioneer Woman's pico de gallo greatness, is if you want guacamole, all you do is smush up a few avocados, add some of your pico de gallo to it and VIOLA! Fresh chunky guacamole! And you didn't even have to go to a Mexican restaurant for it! Now, if you can get avocados to grow at your place, that's a tip I'd love to have...

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