Saturday, January 19, 2013

DIY: Baby Burp Cloths

Like most people who sew, I am a fabric collector. Ok, fabric hoarder, call it what you want I love having things to choose from. I seriously needed to kick start my nursery sewing and thought burp cloths would be a good thing to get finished and get me in the mood to conquer the bed skirt, the crib quilt, and the fancy fabric wall hangings I've pinned on Pinterest.

I read this blog tutorial, and got to work. She gives very good instructions and exact dimensions. I just kinda winged it...

There was a little bit of brown in the flannel print so I thought using brown thread would make them look fancy. I was wrong, so after re-threading the serger I finished them.

Looks a lot nicer without the weird brown edged one....

Ava's gonna love laying her face on this.

Easier to serge than it was to get a picture to look ok with my phone... I need a real camera I guess. Enjoy! Be one of the many moms making their own soft, absorbent burp cloths! Think these will be one of my go-to sewing gifts for baby showers they're so quick to sew and can make so many with a little bit of fabric!
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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Project Preview: Going Paperless

It really is ridiculous the amount of paper products we go through. Not "we" as a country, I'm not being all judgey, I just mean "we" as a family.

Paper towels take up a lot of valuable cart space when shopping, and the one thing I'm noticing lately is less room due to the mega pack of paper towels it seems like I am ALWAYS buying.

This is the first set of re-usable paper towels I saw; found via Pinterest but sold here on Etsy, for $52!

This tutorial is a good one to check out! Full pictures and very well explained.

I think during the weekend I'm going to try to sit down and sew a couple dozen of them, it should be fast on the serger, I hope...

While I'm at it, I'm hoping to finish re-usable lunch bags for the girls, with sandwich wraps and home-made ziplock type bags.

Here's the tutorial I plan to follow for their lunch sacks. She uses a brown paper bag as her template and that's exactly what I'm looking for so that's what I'm going to do!

Well, that's the plan anyways. I do need to finish a diaper changing pad cover, a crib skirt, and several dozen feet of fabric bunting... Oh, to Sew!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Bug's room and her scrapbook paper wall!

Truth: I absolutely hate removing wallpaper. Especially when it's ugly blue and pink vintage print that makes me want to barf. Not vintage cute, vintage barf.

I know one day my Bug will want this removed and I'll have to deal with the wallpaper I left up that's now covered with glue and paper.... But that's not now, and Bug loves her room!

This idea was not my own, like all things crafted it came from Pinterest!

To check out the original blog post click here!

This room was first the playroom, but Bug is apparently the living version of Princess Pea and played musical bedrooms. We seriously arranged the set-up of the house three of four times before landing where we are now and staying. Not for fun, even though it was fun to decorate and re-decorate, but my husband called the entire process a whole set of different words other than fun.

Oddly enough, after avoiding the easterly side of the house with the neighbors barking dog, or the southern facing side because it was the coldest room in the house, Princess Pea landed in the smallest room of the house, the playroom, the wild crazy scrapbook paper room. Now that it's finally finished and her complete sanctuary, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Here's my record that this room can be clean. Hope you like her fun wall, and you can tell by the amount of things my Bug has, she is a very well taken care of grand-daughter. That's my fancy way of saying my parents spoil the crap out of her. Well, out of all of us. :)

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Manly Gift Basket: fishing creel!

Like all good things crafted this idea came from Pinterest.

I knew I wanted to put together a manly basket for my Grandpa's Birthday, but other than candy or alcohol like most of them I found I also wanted it to be something semi-useful.

Fishing supplies, are super CHEAP just pick a few standard items that are sure to be used sometime or another.

You could save and not buy the fishing creel, but I think the basket is what really makes the gift.

Well that, and the voucher for the fishing license.

There's really not that much stuff in it, but enough that it was full and in my opinion a super cool gift for Grandpa!
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Friday, January 11, 2013

The Land and the Husband do provide; 2012 Protein Review.

What is a husband to do with a house full of girls?

Well he's to escape as often as he can to be like John Muir and walk alone in the wilderness.

He likes to play Robin Hood in the forest, be like Elmer Fudd tracking his prey, and put some good food on our table in the process.

Here's my pictures of him and some of his favorite provided feasts for us throughout the year. The freezer is still full and tummies never empty.

California Department of Fish & Game Regulations

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