Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dear Ella Bug,

You are asleep and after writing in your book thought I'd write you a letter.
I can't believe you turned 3 today. And when you turn 30 I won't be able to believe that either.
You are so advanced in every aspect of your little life you are amazing. amazing. I love you so much, and I love being loved by you.
You kiss me for no reason and wrap your little arms around me and tell me that you love me and that you are happy.
You melt my heart with your emotion towards me and our family. You love your Daddy and you love your little sister!! She lights up just looking at you and is going to look up to you her whole life.
You are three years old and you love and care and are kind, unlike anyone your age. We are lucky to have you.
(We are lucky to have you even when you are being a smart awnry stinker!)
I am lucky to be your mom and I can't wait for tomorrow when you wake up and we get to read your new books and play with new toys and have fun talks all day. Most of all I have a feeling you are going to play dress up all day with your new fancy dresses. Maybe we'll paint our fingernails and put makeup on :)
You had such a great birthday day today. Gramy came over and helped us get ready for the party! You mean so much to all of us, Bug.
I love you my big three year old birthday girl!

P.S. Dear Ella,
At your first birthday I threw out the bottle and we never looked back.
Before your second birthday we had thrown out the pacifier.
By your third birthday I told Dad you would be sleeping in your own room in your own bed... Oh bummer.
Oh well, he loves us anyways!